What's the meaning of Diapered.Life? Well, really it's not the same for everyone. Take stock next time you are out shopping at the number of diapers that are available - the sizes, variations. Now think, if there were few people wearing them, would they make that many? Now, take a look at our database and go through that same exercise. To put it plain, if they were not selling, they would not be made. Period. This tells me that there are numerous people who, for whatever reason, wear diapers. And I am talking other than babies. Diapers are no longer age sensitive. The stigma is dropping - and we hope to help that trend progress.

The stigma is dropping

There are so many options available that it is easy to get overwhelmed. Especially if you are new to wearing diapers. Imagine an adult, who has no exposure to the newer diaper industry, being told that they must now wear diapers for incontinence, bedwetting, etc. Most will probably just go to a store and look on the shelves. They may or may not work. Should I choose a brief style ( with tabs ) or will pull-ups work better? These questions are going to come up and we hope to help answer them. We also help to allow that person to find better solutions.

Where is the site heading?

We want to continue our focus on growing our Database of Diapers and Vendors. Eventually we hope to add the ability to add reviews, comments, questions and more - focused on a specific diaper. This will help people sort through the available diapers and provide a better informed decision on what to purchase and what to skip. Diapers are not cheap. It's a struggled to buy a package only to realize they are not really what you were after - be it style, comfort, absorbancy, or fit.

Possibly, in the future, we might consider re-adding the Journal, Logs, and other Member-Specific resources.

So, what's the story with wearing by choice? That seems odd... Well, and maybe it is. But - there are a couple variations. ABDL and DL.

ABDL or Adult Baby Diaper Lover

the short explanation is that these are people who like to regress back to an age when life was simpler. Now, this is an over-simplification and eventually we will provide more information. But, for now, I think that covers the general vibe. The regression can include: wearing diapers, using bottles, acting out as a infant or toddler might, wearing baby-styled clothing and other harmless activities.

DL or Diaper Lover

this short explanation is someone who enjoys the comfort provided by wearing a diaper. Typically a DL identifies as not needing to wear, though some who wear for incontinence do start to cross into the diaper lover group. A diaper lover may prefer to wear diapers that have less baby-ish ( print ) aspects to them. Though, in other cases a diaper lover might enjoy a baby themed diaper without really getting into the regressive aspects.

The take away is that MANY adults, both young and old, are starting to wear diapers. Sometimes medically and sometimes for a theraputic purpose. There is no one size fits all category.


We hope to provide helpful information - some opinion and some fact. In time, hopefully we can bring in more content authors.

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